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Friday 3 April 2015

Man on the Moon : Being Stoic & Proud

Everybody is Different.

Now when i give this seemingly discernible and axiomatic statement,you will look at me with bewilderment.You'd sarcastically say: Great Find,Einstein! But why this incredibly obvious fact begs for repetition is because it also the most blindsided fact.We don't actually follow it in practice,but we are sure to give lip service about it ( and....that'll include yours truly as well).

For example:
During an usual discussion with buddies regarding : politics/religion/business/Sports or Sex,this almost sums up the 'spectrum of guy talk',people are bound to have opposing opinions than yours,but most of us can't handle how incredibly wrong and illogical the other person is.We cant stand it! and use all our rhetoric and regurgitate the facts read in the newspaper,just to disprove the other person and make your opinion counted as the most valid and logical.

What i really think is....


My Point: We don't really accept the individuality of others,Yet.

Man on the Moon : 'A person who is not an outcast but different from everyone else. A unique person, different in a good way'
                                Source: Urban Dictionary,bitch!

I'm a Man on the Moon. I have my own Eccentricities,Pet Peeves and Awesomeness inside my core.Nobody can write this blog the way i write,or have my unique perspective and caustic attacks with quirky memes.It is a pity that such a liberating  proclamation might be misconstrued as egocentric thinking by some of you.

This is not to say that others aren't men on the moon,but what we forget in our daily hum-drum is to acknowledge this fact.I meant to say that I do me! I'm a true original and a one in a 7.125 billion, nothing can change that fact and all i can do is what come naturally to me.

This,Gals and Guys is the Gist of Stoicism.

Steps to becoming a Man on the Moon:

1) Define your Self-Image: Who do you think you Are?

  All right, assuming you  already about the concept of self-image.What you could do is consciously note down what you think about yourself through various facets: Physically,Mentally,emotionally,financially ... You get the point,right? Plus you have to Write. I'm Talking Pen on the Paper,bruv! After this you will be able to come face to face with your reality and take the first step towards self-embracing and self-loving.

Tip: Try to be as detailed and specific as possible and you'll realize the chasm between who you are and who you think you really are.This will elucidate the process for ya,but be leery not to get carried away by your fantasies and s#!t!

2) Get yo Freak On! : Knowing Fortes and Quirks

"I am yet to meet a person,who has not deep beneath his skin an arsenal of bad-assery and awesomeness that can knock the world's socks off"
  -Yours Truly

I had to put my quote up,that's my spiel. However,what i meant was that everyone has a great reservoir within them that can make them consummate at what they do and make the world a fab place to exist.Everyone has something that they do which is unparalleled by anyone and simply peerless,this thing is their calling to this world.This thing is a medium through which they express,explore and expand their consciousness and in the process of self-illumination shed some light to those around them.

So,find what makes you unique from questions like what things have you done in past,that you loved? What are you doing on your ideal day? Who are your role models and what do you like about them? Answer 'em and get freaky,baby!

Tip: Take one thing that you might be most embarrassed to do in public,which you might happily do in private(NO!,Not that you dirty SOB).Then take steps like taking a class/seminar on that thing and performing it in front of public.

3) Act Like a Pro:Driven by Principles

All of my constituent atoms in my body and iotas in the brain are revolting against me with every keystroke i register.My point here is,that i do what i have to do regardless of the feelings/emotions/conditions.Make no mistakes, i am a professional.And what that entails is not dressing up in formals,being politically correct while putting on your happy face and working a certain hours as a contracted laborer.

Simply put, being a pro means, getting work done right on time,every time.Being naturally gifted would not get you anywhere if you aren't disciplined and assiduous in your approach to work.

A pro believes in going through that mundane,arduous slog because he knows that the diamond is refined through a a grinding process.I Highly recommend Steven Pressfield's  War of Art,if you wish to learn more about this concept.

Tip: Force yourself to ACT like a professional, this may include proclaiming whatever you wish to be professional in, on your FB Wall,tweet it out or place a wager with your friends to hold you accountable for being a professional.

4) Meditate on your Mortality: Reborn every morning

Taking a page out of Seneca's book,where he urges to meditate on your death.His point is pivotal to discover your true self,as it in the face of dreadful grim reaper,your true colors are exposed and all the stirring of spiritual sediments that had deposited at bottom of your soul (unconscious)come to the surface(conscious mind).Visualizing your death is almost a taboo in most cultures,where a dragged and hollow existence is applauded.

This will help you realize your true passions and things that you had always longed to do.This will also make you more fearless against obstacles and empathetic  towards others.Everything in this ethereal and transitory universe is perishable,but our inflated ego prevents us from seeing this obvious reality and makes us feel like immortals who will breed and rule forever.

Tip: At the end of your morning meditation routine,meditate on your mortality and then prioritize tasks and set agendas for the day, knowing you might die soon! 

5) Ohhh Lord!!!Thx :Practice Gratitude

Disclaimer: All those colorful pop numbers about happiness are faker than reality shows and make me obnoxious and sick to my stomach.

Why you ask? My main issue with the popular concept of happiness is that ecstatic peak of bubbly dancing and humming where everything is seen from rose-colored glasses.The bottom line: they promote being ecstatic and not joy,hence where there is ecstasy/euphoria (peaks) there is bound to be depression and gloom (valleys).They do not promote joy, which is the feeling that has no opposite.When you're anchored in joy, you are at peace with all the beings and conditions in the world.

Now back to being grateful,we as human beings are immensely gifted beings,as whatever we possess the amazing power of belief,faith and awareness ( faith here has no religious connotations).Whatever our minds can conceive virtually can be achieved materialistically,and we have our whole civilization to show as the proof.We should be grateful to have been born as the best species in the world at the best time in history.Other than that learn to be grateful for the little things that you have or get...daily.Also, be grateful that you are born as yourself (huh?!),this is because there is always a reason why you are who/what/why you are, and your job is not to mull over it,but just be yourself,gratefully.

Tip: Pick one little material thing,one personal trait and one person in your life that you are thankful for, and do this daily.

Peace Out!

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