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Monday 30 March 2015

Embracing Uncertainty,The Stoic Way

We as Humans,are wired to be fearful.

And the New Batman is....Ben Affleck

Courtesy of the Caveman Era,we had to protect our monkey-asses from bigger and dangerous animals,loud thundering in the sky,forest fires and stuff.For that we always had to be on our toes (or the furry slippers that were fashioned from bear-skin),and hence our threat center called the Amygdala rose to prominence. Thousands of years later,not much has changed.Even though we are in the safe,cozy confines of our homes away from reptilian dangers or sustenance woes,the thought of Tomorrow brings more dread and anxiety than any other thing.

Just the thought of not knowing or controlling what is going to happen next makes out feet tremble and throat go dry like the Kalahari desert(horrible analogy,i know).We cannot stand the brutal and bitter fact that we simply do not know and control anything!But of course, our minds don't allow us to believe this fact and does what it does best make shit up (my way of saying...rationalizing).We try running away from this uncertainty of our lives,instead of embracing it and coax our minds into believing whatever we want to believe.

Stoics have been advocating embracing uncertainty,since antiquity and you can find descriptive vindication of my statement.But since,i don't believe my forte is in descriptive and lengthy but rather laconic and pithy posts,that are poignant and on point.So,Let me draw out a strategy that you can further define in your contextual manner as to how to embrace the uncertainty,the stoic way.

Just a Disclaimer before we proceed,that this is absolutely subjective and things may get hot and heavy .... So, here go the 5 steps: 

1.) Clean your windshield and Step on the Gas:                             

That's my way of saying that, have clarity of your goals and ambitions and keep on persevering through conscious and whole-hearted action.What is required for this is deep introspection and self knowledge from which you'll vaguely be able to deduce your life-goals and the direction you want to march on in.The action part is just that raw grit and fearless disposition that will get you through the rough times in your life.So, in a nut shell: know where you're heading while also accepting that you may not get to the destination that you had envisioned ,but nevertheless you'll keep grinding.     

 P.S: Don't pay much attention to the rear view mirror,rather turn the stereo volume UP!                
2.) Flip the Script on this S#!t:

" The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition that impels man to unfold his powers. "
- Erich Fromm

That means you don't have to take uncertainty as its face value.Make a conscious decision to use uncertainty as your secret weapon.Now you that know that everyone around gets cold feet by thinking about their undefined or uncontrollable future,you can use this as a competitive advantage to win the daily struggles in life.By taking this positively,you can use uncertainty in your favor by assessing the sheer amount of possibilities how you can accomplish your goal,in ways that are unimaginable.Since,you know that you dont control anything you can let go of those bonds and baggage that are draining your energy and impeding your pace while reaching the finish line,you don;t have to live a dragged existence,at all.

3). Be anchored in the NOW:

We as humans, fail to understand and acknowledge our vastly good fortune.We are able to consciously be cognizant of the present moment.In reality,you are always in the now,but our immensely powerful monkey brain concocts an illusion that makes us reminisce about the past and fret about the future.This s#!t is ridiculous, yes i said it.Uncertainty brings along with it a plethora of possibilities,hence making our lives more interesting and an adventure to look forward to.To some,it may make sense to be cosseted by luxury and knowing what the future holds for them,however this is inane.The future will never be exactly as one has envisioned or predicted,so it is futile to fight and fret over it.The present moment is the only thing that is promised to us,other than that nothing in this universe is.

Being in the Now will help you summon all your attention,energy and focus onto the task at hand and you will have a much more visceral and fulfilling experience.

4).  It Makes you a better person:

    " Uncertainty is a sign of humility, and humility is just the ability or the willingness to learn."
          - Charlie Sheen

I understand that it's not quite clear how embracing uncertainty makes you a better person,Let me elucidate it for ya.We as humans in the 21st Century have a gargantuan Ego, where in this world of instant messaging and technology automating most of out tasks,it's easy to think that we've got the game on the lock down and that we literally Run this world, i heard the almighty chuckle. Its easy to fall into this type of naive thinking,our ancestors were much enlightened about this subject when they said words like God Willing,In the hands of God, although most of these were mere cop-outs for being accountable,they understood that there is a higher force (p.s: not humans!) at work that determines all results in the universe,hence it is better to accept and rather love whatever happens to you...hence the beginning of Stoicism  called Amora Fati (Love your fate).

Having such an attitude keeps you grounded and more considerate to other people's needs and actions as well.So,if you accept the result instead of constant moaning and whining that why you were the only unfortunate sacrificial lamb that God chose to punish,you're better off living much better than others

5). Learn to be detached from things and outcomes:

 Slowly and steadily through daily arduous conditioning,learn to not give a crap about things and the outcomes of your endeavors.Yes! this is way easier said than done,but it has to be done,somehow someway.This is not to say,that you should become indifferent,nah! don't get it twisted.Stoicism teaches us,that everything in this world is ephemeral and transitory,even your those things and results,hence it doesn't make any sense for us to keep mulling over it,while losing our precious time and energy.

Uncertainty wouldn't phase you as much if you aren't affected much by the outcome and are confident in your ability to act.Being Detached is one of the most important value one can learn.Again,this does not mean that you don't have to feel or become a completely thick skinned person to the world around you.A true stoic is one of the most sensitive and vulnerable person you will ever meet,the only difference is the he has a much stronger and deeper realization of the universe around and within him.

Hope it helped,I'll leave you to embracing Uncertainty.

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