Google+ The Stoic Code: My PEP (Personal Emancipation Proclamation) Talk : Part 1, The Dents

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Monday 23 March 2015

My PEP (Personal Emancipation Proclamation) Talk : Part 1, The Dents

“The moment that you feel that, just possibly, you’re walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself. That’s the moment you may be starting to get it right.”
– Neil Gaiman

Damn...Lincoln got Swag!! 

 Disclaimer: If you're reading this, just know that i'm done with bullshitting.... psych!

So,What this post is about ?

Me,myself and I.

And,What's in it for you?

Growing synchronously with my assiduous hustle and Learning vicariously through my embarrassing  mistakes .

Still wanna go ahead....? Good choice.

Without further Ado, I'll start off with 3  dents(yes,like the ones on a golf ball)and do's (next post) during your PEP:


1) Don't leave it up-to THEM, get off your butt and get yours:

The issue:

Often times,when we try find our calling (yup,i'm going biblical on you suckas!).When we try to find what we are meant for doing this life and similar existential questions.It's easy to get sucked into and conform to the massive force of the majority.This may be religion,philosophy,cult,schools (of thought or lunacy). It is all seems very tempting and believable to our relatively unaware and unexposed mind,to conform and follow the flock,as we are persuaded,that THEY KNOW BETTER AND HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS !


This might be a pretty bold statement coming from a newbie stoic, but almost all organized thingys (very articulate,i know) exist to conform ,promote obedience,limit and not liberate independent thinking and snuff intelligent inquiry and eventually flaunt the superiority of their ignorance over the ignorance of other thingys.
 If any organized institution you're involved in does the following:

-Doesn't allow questioning their fundamental tenets,
-Preach that this is the only way to achieve salvation (Absolutism)
-Showcase their values to be greater than contemporary institutions (superiority)
-Issues punishments in any form (guilt,penance,physical,social) for your sins
- If there's no backdoor option (allow you to quit)

Grab Your Nuts & Run!!
All I wanna Say is that...They Don't really care about US! 


Keep a generally skeptical disposition for most popular/commercial and mass media related news/info or philosophies,use your own rational and logical apparatus to probe into the situation and then make the prognosis based on your experiential outcome.In short, Know for yourself!,this is especially pertinent and pivotal for intrinsic issues like: spirituality (that forms the foundation on which all other things are built upon), knowledge and calling (back to square one).If you want to make something of yourself,its upon YOU....period!

2) Don't Mix Business With Pleasure: Mind your MIND


The Issue: 

Most of the times,we don't understand the power of our minds.The Stoics knew it,hence they stresses upon daily meditations,nightly reflections and cultivating habits.Controlling our monkey brain,is the key to success,the time you let the reins loose,that's the time it runs amok making your life a living hell.You have to be conscious enough to know when you have to take control of your brain and when to let loose.Letting the brain alone with its own devices is detrimental to our can act up and reveal your true identity in places of business where exhibiting juvenile behavior can work against you.

My cringe-worthy lesson: 

College, is usually a place to study and blossom as responsible individuals with a renewed sense of identity.I however on the other side,made a girlfriend.The cherry on top of the poison cake was that she was in my class.Needless to say, after fooling around for a while,the relationship ended with a bitter break-up leaving a sour taste for each other.From that day on,until now i have faced countless awkward situations and embarrassing encounter with her just because,I had made the cardinal folly of mixing business pleasure.

The Anti-dote:

It is important to be cognizant of the circumstance and place.All the more important is to choose your battles,because you cannot win everything all the time.The habit of mediation on a long term helps you to analyze your actions and thoughts in the present from an objective viewpoint,which is immensely pivotal in many cases.Know what to do and when to do it, Do not be hasty in your judgement and actions,as they may have a grave aftermath later on which we shall regret and atone for the rest of our lives.

3) Don't Accept the Status Quo:
 The Issue:

The biggest issue that a human faces in this epoch is complacency and conformity.Since,all are primary needs are getting met through the modern amenities,we keep rubbing our bellies while we're laying on the recliner watching our favorite reality show while chatting with a friend and also completing our chemistry assignment.In short,we have completed all levels on maslow's hierarchy and simply dont have anything to look forward to.We don't dare to be brave,because that will mean a lot of effort to move from our current stage of helpless acceptance.We have simply lost the hunger of proving our worth through bold declaration of your proud identity and doing the work that makes your heart sing.

The Shaft Juice:

In order to change the status quo,you have to accept the reality brutally and totally.Huh? Contradictory Much? Nope,what i mean is that we have to see clearly the deep crap that we're stuck in and only then can we make moves to get out of the quick-sand.The Stoics had a vision,for a better tomorrow.That grand vision transcended the sense of self and encompassed all humanity in its glory and wished goodwill.We have to see the vision,that is true and pertinent to us and then make educated efforts towards achieving that vision.Another way of changing the status quo is,constantly striving to rebel against the establishment and looking for ways to transform the orthodoxy radically,hence making a paradigm shift  in the truest sense.

Bottom Line:
In order to do something new,you have to do something that hasn't done before for the benefit of humanity.Make it Happen,Simple as that!

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