I'm not a nice guy.
And i have many people, events and conditions to vouch for it. I am usually polite, until put under duress. I give a specific amount of respect to all humans (strangers and all), until they start acting up, then it either goes up or down from there. I help out people in need and am resourceful in whatever way i can, but not often as i'd like to. Not very sunny and pleasant mostly and also have a bad habit of pedantic nitpicking and being biased on certain issues (or have strong opinions). I'm impulsive and rise to the bait in an instant if there is aleast bit instigation (if you step on my feet,you won't get ya toes back) .
But, i'm a good guy!
How's that you ask, incredulously! because i solemnly wish every being on the planet, nothing but the best. Because, i have good intentions behind every action of mine. Because, i not only understand but apply the law of karma ( believe it or not!) and i constantly seek and act to better myself (mentally,physically,morally and spiritually). That's enough to qualify me in the good book for myself ( doubt, there's a god's book) .
But as far i may have come in being a good boy, its only after several cringing, embarrassing, painful and sometimes humble experiences. And it worked only when i applied them! But let it be known, that i did not become good from finally throwing my hands and submitting to the hypocritical pangs of our society, but rather through deep spiritual introspection , intelligent empirical investigation and countless efforts trying all the tools in the shed. This wasn't an epiphany , but rather a gradual realization of the immutable and ubiquitous universal laws at work.
No, this is not a fuckin' Secret but a personal revelation. The things that i'm about to say have been iterated and proved since times immemorial, and we hear about them day in, day out (for a reason as well). However, they do not become true for you , unless you realize it for yourself! When you do, many things (concepts,events,people) become lucid and concrete and you are overtaken by a sense of calm joy.
So, anyways ...Here's why you should be good!
1.) Not because THEY say so !:
Ever since infancy we are taught through a series of rewards and punishments (words,gift,love) to be good . We not being evolved/intelligent at that age , jump through the hoops and do as instructed to get what we want (usually love,gifts,appreciation). As time passes and we get busy with other societal traps (education,jobs,family) we rarely question why and take it to be our reality. Being Good , in most cultures is being obedient (religiously follow the status quo) , and respectful/generous/loving. While i agree with the latter virtues consituting goodness i have a problem with how they are imposed upon our psyches through religion!
The goodness is gauged and dictated by gods up above ( or his people down below..LOL) and followers are preached that if they are good , God loves them , will grant their wishes and will welcome them into paradise post-death. BUT (this is a big but) if they are bad, they will be punished for it and spend their afterlives in a burning pot of hot oil in hell,while satan watches Baywatch (according to the latest addendum). Well, i have a problem with this concept, and even though it is obviously antiquated and banal, people rarely question or revolt against it, fearing all the social backlash they'll receive.
What you should do : Well , if i was to be absolutist in my recommendation,there would be little difference in me and the institution i'm opposed to.So, here is what you may do: Be skeptical, i cannot stress this enough, be very skeptical and incredulous about what you see,hear and say, as it takes little time for what we see ,hear and repeat to become our beliefs and eventually our reality. So, screw a pinch take everything with a pint of salt! Another thing... Ask questions, using your logic and rationale and dont stop until convinced or satiated and then take action with volition with a condition that you may and can change your beliefs if you find a philosophy (or any other operating system) that suits your nature!
2.) It's More Productive.... Duh! :
Of course, i wasn't going to put a schmaltzy reason as the title, so catering to your left-brain, i had to put in productivity. Let's get clear about the meaning first, being productive is completing your work/task in a quality fashion in the shortest period of time in a flow,without many interruptions or distractions.
If you're doing all that a normal ethical human does, i.e: being good. Then, your conscience will be much spotless as you are less likely to feel guilt,fear or other mentally debilitating feelings, hence allowing you to work at your optimum best. Talking about my case, whenever i do,say or even think ill of something/one i feel a feeling that is a weird cocktail of malaise, lethargy and irritation. that doesn't leave me until i get the issue sorted out. Until then, i cant seem to do merde (pardon my french) ! i keep on obsessing about the thing causing inordinate amounts of self-inflicted pain,tension and dormancy. Hence, i'm not a productive person, when i'm bad.
However, if i'm good. then i have no care in the world and so can carry on doin' my thizzle (work,for ya luddites) with all my gusto and in a continuous free flow. If i wish am at peace with all the things and people around me and wish them well in their lives. In such a case, practically no negative feeling/emotion can enter/hinder me from being productive. Harboring ill will and even the slightest of dislike can impair your productivity to a great extent and affects the quality of your work.
3.) Affects your Street Cred:
Now, whether we like it or not, our reputation ( in your house,workplace,society) matters....a lot. This often determines the kind of human relations , future opportunities (work), support system and also your holistic development as a human. A person , who is generally perceived as bad/unpleasant is usually avoided and shunned in most social situations. Human Negativity is palpable and communicable, and very few people would like to transfer others' poison into their system.
However, a person who is perceived as good by the society, is a social magnet and people are drawn to him due to the palpable positive vibes people intercept from him.People feel more obliged and willing to help the good person in case of a problem.He might get an edge over others in case of opportunities and goodwill of the people.
Disclaimer: I'm in no way implying that one should be good for social acceptance,these are however the repercussions of the goodness. Moreover,the benefits of being good for oneself far outweigh those for the society. One is able to impact and contribute as a good member of society.
4.) Law of Karma:
Now, Now..Don't get your knickers in a twist. I'm not alluding to a mystical spiritual philosophy when talking about karma. All i'm saying is that. human being is a creature of manifested beliefs. hence, whatever he believes to be true becomes true....for him! A terrorist can believe he is a good person and then do horrific inhumane things, because that was in his definition of goodness to hurt others for a higher purpose. But the immutable fact remains, that hurting (yourself/others) only brings with it bad karma, there's no two ways about it.
So, if you've committed an evil act, you are bound to be punished for it, the very same moment (not in hell,dawg!) and if you do something that is good, you're rewarded then and there.Karma is always at work, one way or another.So, all your passions,impulses and appetites must be kept under great control and supervision. Now that you know about it, might as well learn to use it in your favor. Goodness/ Virtue in your thoughts, visions and actions can help you and your cause immensely and propel you to heights of greatness in all your endeavors, if you're mindful of all your actions.
And i have many people, events and conditions to vouch for it. I am usually polite, until put under duress. I give a specific amount of respect to all humans (strangers and all), until they start acting up, then it either goes up or down from there. I help out people in need and am resourceful in whatever way i can, but not often as i'd like to. Not very sunny and pleasant mostly and also have a bad habit of pedantic nitpicking and being biased on certain issues (or have strong opinions). I'm impulsive and rise to the bait in an instant if there is aleast bit instigation (if you step on my feet,you won't get ya toes back) .
But, i'm a good guy!
How's that you ask, incredulously! because i solemnly wish every being on the planet, nothing but the best. Because, i have good intentions behind every action of mine. Because, i not only understand but apply the law of karma ( believe it or not!) and i constantly seek and act to better myself (mentally,physically,morally and spiritually). That's enough to qualify me in the good book for myself ( doubt, there's a god's book) .
But as far i may have come in being a good boy, its only after several cringing, embarrassing, painful and sometimes humble experiences. And it worked only when i applied them! But let it be known, that i did not become good from finally throwing my hands and submitting to the hypocritical pangs of our society, but rather through deep spiritual introspection , intelligent empirical investigation and countless efforts trying all the tools in the shed. This wasn't an epiphany , but rather a gradual realization of the immutable and ubiquitous universal laws at work.
No, this is not a fuckin' Secret but a personal revelation. The things that i'm about to say have been iterated and proved since times immemorial, and we hear about them day in, day out (for a reason as well). However, they do not become true for you , unless you realize it for yourself! When you do, many things (concepts,events,people) become lucid and concrete and you are overtaken by a sense of calm joy.
So, anyways ...Here's why you should be good!
1.) Not because THEY say so !:
Ever since infancy we are taught through a series of rewards and punishments (words,gift,love) to be good . We not being evolved/intelligent at that age , jump through the hoops and do as instructed to get what we want (usually love,gifts,appreciation). As time passes and we get busy with other societal traps (education,jobs,family) we rarely question why and take it to be our reality. Being Good , in most cultures is being obedient (religiously follow the status quo) , and respectful/generous/loving. While i agree with the latter virtues consituting goodness i have a problem with how they are imposed upon our psyches through religion!
The goodness is gauged and dictated by gods up above ( or his people down below..LOL) and followers are preached that if they are good , God loves them , will grant their wishes and will welcome them into paradise post-death. BUT (this is a big but) if they are bad, they will be punished for it and spend their afterlives in a burning pot of hot oil in hell,while satan watches Baywatch (according to the latest addendum). Well, i have a problem with this concept, and even though it is obviously antiquated and banal, people rarely question or revolt against it, fearing all the social backlash they'll receive.
What you should do : Well , if i was to be absolutist in my recommendation,there would be little difference in me and the institution i'm opposed to.So, here is what you may do: Be skeptical, i cannot stress this enough, be very skeptical and incredulous about what you see,hear and say, as it takes little time for what we see ,hear and repeat to become our beliefs and eventually our reality. So, screw a pinch take everything with a pint of salt! Another thing... Ask questions, using your logic and rationale and dont stop until convinced or satiated and then take action with volition with a condition that you may and can change your beliefs if you find a philosophy (or any other operating system) that suits your nature!
2.) It's More Productive.... Duh! :
Of course, i wasn't going to put a schmaltzy reason as the title, so catering to your left-brain, i had to put in productivity. Let's get clear about the meaning first, being productive is completing your work/task in a quality fashion in the shortest period of time in a flow,without many interruptions or distractions.
If you're doing all that a normal ethical human does, i.e: being good. Then, your conscience will be much spotless as you are less likely to feel guilt,fear or other mentally debilitating feelings, hence allowing you to work at your optimum best. Talking about my case, whenever i do,say or even think ill of something/one i feel a feeling that is a weird cocktail of malaise, lethargy and irritation. that doesn't leave me until i get the issue sorted out. Until then, i cant seem to do merde (pardon my french) ! i keep on obsessing about the thing causing inordinate amounts of self-inflicted pain,tension and dormancy. Hence, i'm not a productive person, when i'm bad.
However, if i'm good. then i have no care in the world and so can carry on doin' my thizzle (work,for ya luddites) with all my gusto and in a continuous free flow. If i wish am at peace with all the things and people around me and wish them well in their lives. In such a case, practically no negative feeling/emotion can enter/hinder me from being productive. Harboring ill will and even the slightest of dislike can impair your productivity to a great extent and affects the quality of your work.
3.) Affects your Street Cred:
Now, whether we like it or not, our reputation ( in your house,workplace,society) matters....a lot. This often determines the kind of human relations , future opportunities (work), support system and also your holistic development as a human. A person , who is generally perceived as bad/unpleasant is usually avoided and shunned in most social situations. Human Negativity is palpable and communicable, and very few people would like to transfer others' poison into their system.
However, a person who is perceived as good by the society, is a social magnet and people are drawn to him due to the palpable positive vibes people intercept from him.People feel more obliged and willing to help the good person in case of a problem.He might get an edge over others in case of opportunities and goodwill of the people.
Disclaimer: I'm in no way implying that one should be good for social acceptance,these are however the repercussions of the goodness. Moreover,the benefits of being good for oneself far outweigh those for the society. One is able to impact and contribute as a good member of society.
4.) Law of Karma:
Now, Now..Don't get your knickers in a twist. I'm not alluding to a mystical spiritual philosophy when talking about karma. All i'm saying is that. human being is a creature of manifested beliefs. hence, whatever he believes to be true becomes true....for him! A terrorist can believe he is a good person and then do horrific inhumane things, because that was in his definition of goodness to hurt others for a higher purpose. But the immutable fact remains, that hurting (yourself/others) only brings with it bad karma, there's no two ways about it.
So, if you've committed an evil act, you are bound to be punished for it, the very same moment (not in hell,dawg!) and if you do something that is good, you're rewarded then and there.Karma is always at work, one way or another.So, all your passions,impulses and appetites must be kept under great control and supervision. Now that you know about it, might as well learn to use it in your favor. Goodness/ Virtue in your thoughts, visions and actions can help you and your cause immensely and propel you to heights of greatness in all your endeavors, if you're mindful of all your actions.